In the Community

Norwood’s social connections in the regions run deep. National initiatives support local action taken by our dealership networks.
Norwood has raised over $400,000 for Farmstrong through the Norwood Charity Golf Tournament since 2019.
As an importer, we recognise our responsibility to protect the natural taonga of New Zealand and provide expertise and equipment for better management, improved environmental outcomes and increased productivity.
Norwood is a major sponsor of the New Zealand Environment Trust, sponsoring the Norwood Farming Efficiency Award, which recognises the farmer or grower who is actively focused on resource use efficiency as part of the wider Ballance Farm Environment Awards.
Norwood was one of the first companies to sign the Biosecurity Business Pledge (an initiative to help protect New Zealand from pests and diseases). We are on the steering committee for the Pledge and are MPI accredited with approved transitional facilities.
The Norwood network is geographically dispersed across the country to be where our customers need us, but we know we are stronger together.
Norwood staff stay for the long haul. We have an impressive number of staff with long tenures and customer relationships that span generations.
Norwood has a leading apprenticeship training programme tailored specifically to the service needs of our business. Our Apprenticeship Programme Manager is a member of the Industry Advisory Group for Automotive Engineering.
- Norwood supplies brands that save costs on farm. We maintain, service, and repair those brands to ensure they maximise output, minimise inputs, and reach their potential life expectancy.
- Norwood can forward order to customer specifications at indent pricing and negotiate low finance rates on behalf of our customers.