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PLANTER 3 Precision Planter

KUHN PLANTER 3 Precision Planter

With exceptional flexibility for precise seeding in any setup, this range stands out for its quality, adaptability to various farm needs, and consistent seed placement in rows. The Planter three pneumatic precision seed drills come in six different frames suited for all types of farms. Whether you need a mono-bar, telescopic, or folding frame, you'll find the perfect fit for all your planting requirements.

The drills offer spacings between 25 and 80 cm, allowing for precise sowing of 3 to 12 rows. This precision planter helps you achieve profitability goals without sacrificing productivity, thanks to easy adjustments, optimized precision, and suitable options.

Features & Benefits

With the seed drop point very low, seeds reach the ground at regular intervals and depth, no matter what crop is being sown.

  • The grip on the seed by the stainless-steel distribution disc is provided by a flow of low-pressure air.
  • Easily adjust the distance between rows to seed two crops with different inter-row spacing.
  • Variety of attachments available to suit almost any job type.


Number of rows 4-12 6-8 6 6 and 7 8-12
Min/Max spacing (cm) 45/80 – 70/80 55/75 or 50/80 45/80 70/80 and 50/65 45/80
Hopper size (l) 25 standard, 47 optional 25 standard, 47 optional 25 standard, 47 optional 25 standard, 47 optional 25 standard, 47 optional
Frame Transport width (m) 2.50 – 9.00 3.00 – 3.25 2.50 2.50 3
Number of wheels 2-6 2 2 2 4

See full specs on the KUHN website. Please note: some models may not be available in New Zealand.open_in_new

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